I’m so lucky. After all; this is a blog written by a girl who owns a company called Lucky Dog.
Listening to Katie Couric’s book, “The Best Advise I Ever Got: Lessons from Extraordinary Lives”, for the seventeenth time it occurred to me I should share this with everyone who reads the Lucky Dog blog. Katie Couric asked her friends to send to share advice as if this were a commencement speech. She took all her responses and published a book with the responses. Lucky for all of us - she got some stellar responses.
Advice came leaders of countries, CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, actors, elite athletes, and doctors and Secretaries of State. One of my favorites is from Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos. He begins by saying, “We try to hire the luckier job candidates. In fact, one of our interview questions is: On a scale of 1 – 10 how lucky are you in Life?” When I thought about this question my response was way off the charts. A ten is not even close. I’m so lucky. After all; this is a blog written by a girl who owns a company called Lucky Dog.
For Hsieh, luck is about being open to opportunities beyond how the task or situation presents itself. He finished up his tid bit of advice by saying, “Try to be more creative, more adventurous and more open minded as you go about your life. Try to notice opportunities in disguise. Try to think more outside the box.”